In the face of the global economic crisis, one is often asked how the company manages to survive while Tycoons drown every day. This, I always attribute to four letters: T E A M.
Alsalam European Company for Agribusiness and its mission built on teamwork. Everyone from agronomist to accountant, laborer to lab technician, manager to marketeer. One hand may a boulder, but many can move mountains.
Agriculture, especially in export, is a beautiful industry, as it acts as a vehicle to ultimately satisfy customers, as well as help improve the national balance of trade, all while creating job opportunities. All these benefits come at a price, though never too high to pay, patience. One must invest in people and technology, both monetarily and with time and effort, but of course especially when it comes to people, that effort will be reflected back and rapid in manifolds. In that sense, an agribusiness, as any other , for that matter, is very much like the very plants from which it makes it livelihood, requiring precise care and attention before thriving and yielding.
Looking to the future , Alsalam European Co aims , as always , to continually improve its services and the lives of those it touches .New investments in crops, land , community development, and other projects will , God willing , keep the wheel turning .